As the world finds itself navigating unchartered territory, it's easy to focus on the collective fear and uncertainty.
Zen is a term that describes a feeling of peace, oneness, and enlightenment.
1. Close your eyes.
When you do this, you are looking into the beautiful stillness of your inner world, and it is the first step toward becoming more at peace.
2. Take deep breaths
Pull a big inhale in through your nose, filling up your belly from the bottom of you all the way up to the top of you. Say to yourself let. Then exhale the breath out your nose from top to bottom, saying to yourself go.
3. Count to 10.
It worked when you were little, and it works now.
4. Take a five-minute pause
Set aside five minutes each day to do a mini-meditation session. Sit in a comfortable seated position; close your eyes; begin taking deep, full breaths in and out through your nose; close your eyes; and breathe.
5. Stay Calm
There are many things we can do in an attempt to Stay Calm.